What the heck just happened?


To say that the learning curve this week has been steep could be the biggest understatement of 2021 so far! While I am actually quite excited about this project, managing all these platforms is so new to me, and taking over my life at the moment. I am sure that I will get the hang of things, but right now the frustration levels are high and the productivity levels are low. I am very appreciative to have my learning pod to lean on for advice and support, and profs that seem available and accessible when things go sideways…and they will!

I found our first class completely overwhelming. There was so much information coming at us and I found it almost impossible to follow along. I went for a hike with the dogs after class to clear my head and while that improved my mental state, it didn’t really help provide any clarity around what to do next with this course. After spending some time working through all the resources we have, and our first learning pod meeting, I think that I have taken a baby step forward in my understanding. I am sure that things are going to start making more sense as we go, and I have promised myself that I will reach out for help when I get stuck rather than struggling on my own.

This is going to be quite the learning journey and I am curious to see where it takes me!

Here’s to hoping I get it eventually

Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

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